Beer is Cheap in Germany, Really.

By now, most of you know I always complain about beer prices. Why do I complain about beer prices, well its because it used to be cheaper…duh haha

But really, once craft beer broke onto the scene all beer prices, including domestics, have all been going up for years now. People say its because in order to make great beer you must use great ingredients (which are generally more expensive) well yes and no.

But I also hear about how ingredients, materials, shipping, labor, air and sun are also going up too which in turn costs more. I will say that there are ways to cut costs and still put out a decent product without fleecing the customer, it’s true, it happens everyday.

But I’m not going to get into all that right now because I just got back from Germany once again and I wanted to make a video of how much less expensive beer is over there.

I did noticed that imported American craft beer was more expensive than the standard German brands like Sierra Nevada and Stone were about € 2.99 vs the less than one Euro or slightly over one Euro that the German offerings were, my how the tables have turned.

I actually saw in some places that water was more expensive than beer. Hell, even in Paris I saw wine was cheaper than beer, go figure haha.

But hey check out my video below.


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