Welcome to the Land of Sky Beer Waters
I always had this idea to start a blog about all the old beer signs I always seem to spot all over town but I never knew how to go about it. I thought most people don’t give a second thought about old beer signs but I always found it amazing that they were still hanging up years after the actual bar/business has long since closed.
I then thought, who doesn’t love the old Hamm’s bear commercials of the 70’s/80’s and every knickknack they made and sold with their name on it? I wanted to bring it all back somehow.
I decided to do that and mix it up a little bit with talk about everything beer related to Minnesota and Wisconsin from the past and the present. I do enjoy beers from all over the country/world but thought that would be very time consuming covering all of that because so much is already happening beer wise in my home turf of The Twin Cities.
So here I am blogging about beer and all its related things. This is something I thought I would never have done before but it has turned into a fun hobby. Over the years I have met a lot of people who are involved in the local scene and realized that other people have similar interests about old beer stuff, and many of them have been collecting things for years.
Along the way of running this beer blog I also ended up starting a Facebook page called “Saint Paint Revisited” which features historic old neighborhoods and people of the city of St Paul Minnesota.
I ran that page for about 9 years until the end of 2021 to take a break but decided to start updating it again in 2023. Oh in that time I also partnered up and helped run the history Facebook page known as “Old Minneapolis” for about 3 years too….haha.
I like to spotlight people, places and the things that make the upper midwest a gem for any beer/ history lover that’s out there.
I don’t claim to be a literary genius or even a beer or history expert for that matter but I do this for the fun of it and I hope you enjoy the site.
Dave – Land of Sky Beer Waters