The Hamm’s Bear claims Top Spot in mascot election

Well the election is finally over, well the mascot election is over that is. I wish I could say that the real election for the US president is over but Ill have to put up with the non stop political ads for another week until that mess is done with…haha

Anyways, the ultimate battle happened last week on the Land of Sky Beer Waters facebook and instagram accounts of who would be declared the ultimate winner in the battle of the network stars…er the Beer/Liquor Mascot Election - Popularity contest. Many famous mascots came on and gave it their all, but of course in the end, the clear winner took it all and that was the Hamm’s Bear.

I actually had nothing to do with it and counted all the votes without bias and the bear came out on top. In the end it was kind of ironic that a battle between St Paul vs Minneapolis came about in terms of it was the Hamm’s Bear vs Stan & Albert of Grain Belt beer fame.

Elvira, Spuds, Samuel Adams, Captain Morgan, hell even Duff Man and Bud Man fell to the bear. I was curious of who everyone would elect in the pre election phase and most of the ones I chose to run were mentioned in the comments so I felt good about the contenders.

So what happens next? Well nothing really haha. I guess the bear will continue to be a main player on this website and the social media accounts associated with this, so I guess nothing will change, except for the maybe the fact the bear has cemented his foot into Minnesota beer history once again.


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