Spuds is the summer party animal!

Many moons ago Spuds MacKenzie was the dog known around the world….or at least known around the United States as the original party animal…..get it?


Most people didn’t even know what type of dog he was (Bull Terrier by the way). Everyone wanted to be friends with Spuds or at least attend one of the parties he was attending…..wait, are we still talking about a dog or a person here?

I actually only have one commercial with Spuds on the Land of Sky Beer Waters YouTube channel in which he is a participant in the Summer Olympics…(which by the way are coming up very soon) but if I get around to it I might add a couple more just for fun.


So with summer now in full swing along with people getting back outside again after a year of lockdown, I decided to throw down some classic shots of Spuds living it up.



There’s a new German in town


Free The Growler!