Dave’s BrewFarm Has Been Set Out To Pasture

Yes that was very puny and no not me Dave the other Dave. This may not be super suprising news because Dave Anderson of Dave’s BrewFarm fame has tried to sell the brewery before, but this time it’s for real. His brewing license expired has at the end of June and he is not renewing it.

When I hear the name Dave’s BrewFarm I think about a younger version of myself because it’s one of the breweries I heard so much about when I was just getting into craft beer. This mythical farm in a Wisconsin field that looks like a barn and brews beer, I mean can you get anymore Wisconsin than that?

If you are saddened by this news, fear not! Dave has announced you can buy his brewery turn key style and instantly be a world famous brewery owner for not that much…(in brewery building terms that is).

What is the selling price you ask, well it’s $450,000 in cold hard cash, no bitcoin or Star Wars Republic credits. Also a requirement to the sale is you must be an experienced brewer and have an actual plan on how the brewery will be successful, sounds reasonable enough.

 The other option is to sell the BrewFarm as a food production-ready hobby farm, with very little modifications, the brewery can become FDA-approved for a commercial food production.

So here’s the deal: if you are, or know someone who is seriously interested AND well-capitalized, please send contact info to: davesbrewfarm@gmail.com for detailed sales information.

Dave’s BrewFarm is located in Wilson, Wisconsin which is about an hour and ten minutes east of Minneapolis.

Photo-Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Photo-Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


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