Growler Magazine...RIP

Well it looks like more than just breweries are affected by the covid shutdown, The Growler Magazine has declared the upcoming August Issue will be it’s end.

I’ll start by saying that The Growler has been around for quite a while in the Twin Cities, so long that I wrote an article about their startup on the older version of this website.

Also on a side note, I was actually nominated as one of the best beer blogs in Minnesota for their annual Kind of A Big Deal awards, but in the end, I lost to the better blog of

I guess the Growler’s demise doesn’t come at a big surprise, mainly because they stated a couple months back that there would a be a delay in any further issues due to the lockdown. When there’s no breweries and restaurants open it tends to put a damper on advertising which then puts a damper on articles which then makes a magazine slow down to the point of not existing.

I myself have been kind of slow on articles lately mainly cuz I’ve busy running Saint Paul Revisited at the same time as this site but besides that it could also be that 2020 has been nothing but a big downer.

I feel bad for everyone involved with the Growler Magazine having to step away and find another line of work just as things seemed to be building big for those guys, but it has become just the opposite.

As for the future of the Beer Dabbler events, they will continue once this is all done and over with. But if you havent heard, there is currently a Dabbler in a Box in the works. A special beer variety pack with beer from 12 regional breweries along with an exclusive video series with music, entertainment, art displays, and comedy that can be purchased through Surdyk’s liquor store. So theres that at least.

Maybe once life gets back to some type of normalcy the Growler could be back? Only Time will tell.

The following is a blip from Matt Kenevan of the Growler.

“Six months ago the future was bright and 2020 was looking to be a pretty good year. We officially assembled a fantastic group of people, who are a pleasure to be around and work well together. We have an award-winning editorial team that consistently provided great content. We have an all-star sales team that I’d put up against any other. Our office space is collaborative and one of very good vibes, which guests enjoy visiting. We never used dirty headlines for clickbait to engage our readers and did everything with hard work and the utmost integrity.”



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