Very Rare Hamm’s Jockey Boxes

Just as I was about to make this post about the very rare Hamm’s jockey box that is on ebay right now, I discovered there is actually second one up right now!

In my years of going to collector shows and antiques shops, I have never seen one of these before and now all of a sudden two appear out of thin air.

If anyone is familiar with serving beer, I’m sure you’ve had an encounter with a jockey box at one time or another. What is a jockey box and what’s it’s purpose you ask?

Well the modern use of it is for serving beer outside at an event or some type of mobile location. You dump ice and a mix of water inside the box, which then keeps the coils cool so when you serve the beer it doesn’t foam up and or create a huge head and explode in your face….(maybe, we’ll possibly)

Most kegger parties dont use these and instead just go from the tap attached to the keg itself (which should be kept cool).

As for these Hamm’s branded versions …I would guess they were used at actual bar, which was then attached to the bar itself? I’m guessing when these were built, refrigeration as we know it today, was not widely a thing, so this was to be used on a daily basis…. I’m ASSuming so.

If I build a time machine I’ll go back and check and edit this post haha.

So if you are looking to grab one of these, the going prices are about $700. But if you did throw down that much, be prepared to be the “coolest” person on the block!

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